Plumbing problems are one of the most common residential expenses. While certain plumbing issues are simply unavoidable, others can be successfully kept at bay by educating yourself about your home's plumbing system. If you would like to learn more about some of the most very basic things to know, read on. This article will present three important things every homeowner should know about their plumbing system.

Location Of Main Water Valve

When faced with a plumbing disaster or clogged sewer, it is important to know how to protect your home against outright flooding. That means knowing where to go to close off the flow of water into your home. In most cases, the main water shut-off valve can be found in the basement along the front foundation wall, near where the main water supply line enters your home. Turn the valve as far as you can in a clockwise direction, then open up a faucet or tub somewhere in your house to drain standing water out of the pipes.

Water Pressure

It is vital that you keep a close eye on the water pressure inside of your home. The reason for this is that excessive water pressure can cause no end of problems for your pipes, appliances, and plumbing fixtures. Fortunately, it is both easy and inexpensive to take a reading of your home's water pressure. All you'll need is to invest a few dollars in a water pressure gauge. This tool screws right onto a threaded faucet; when the water is turned on, it provides an instant reading of the pressure. In all cases, your pressure should never exceed 80psi.

Location Of Air Conditioning Condensate Lines

Here's one that many people overlook, if only because they assume it doesn't directly pertain to their plumbing system. Yet the air conditioner in your home generates a good deal of water through the process of condensation. This water is routed out of the condenser through a special series of plastic tubes that carry it safely to your plumbing system.

If something goes wrong with the condensate lines, the resulting leak can wreak havoc inside of your home, especially since these lines often pass through seldom seen areas. The constant dripping will lead to mold and mildew growth, as well as to rot. Thus it is good to familiarize yourself with the route your condensate lines run along, as well as where they funnel into your plumbing system.
