If your company employs workers who are unionized, there is a possibility that one day they may decide to go on strike. Instead of waiting for that day to arrive, you may want to consider making a contingency staffing plan for handling this situation by starting with the tips below.

Determine Which Jobs Are Crucial To Your Business's Operations

Before drawing up your plan, think about the different roles each worker plays in the operation of your company. Make out a list of every job position you have on payroll. Then, look at the list carefully and determine which ones are crucial to your business's operations.

For example, the first two jobs on your list are the janitor and the boiler operator. While you may like having a clean and tidy workplace, you may be able to go without a janitor for a short period of time.

However, the boiler operator is someone who is responsible for monitoring the pressure gauges and water levels. If someone is not there to monitor the boiler, this could lead to equipment failure or perhaps even an explosion. Between the two positions, you would want to temporarily fill the job of the boiler operator.

Decide How Many Temporary Employees You Will Need

After looking through your list and determining which positions are vital, decide how many temporary employees you will need to keep your company operational. Using the example above, you know that you need a boiler operator for each boiler. If your company has five boilers, then you would want to fill five positions to maintain safe operations.

Think About Staffing For Security

If your security guards also decide to strike, you will need to replace each one of them while negotiations with the union are taking place. However, you may want to consider hiring a few extra people for security.

During a strike, emotions tend to run very high among the workers. If they decide to picket your business, there is a slight chance that things could get out of hand. If so, you would want to have a few extra bodies for your security team to handle the situation.

The above tips should help you get started with developing your contingency staffing plan in case your workforce decides to strike. If you still have questions, you may want to contact your local strike staffing company, such as Modern Staffing & Security, who can help you develop your plan and give you additional pointers.
